Hawaiian Word of the Week: No'ono'o

Sometimes, we just need to take a moment and reflect on where we are, where we have been and where we want to go. For Hawaiians, they practice “no’ono’o” (pronounced: noh-oh.noh-oh), the act of reflecting or of being thoughtful. This includes being “no’ono’o pono” (thinking carefully, meditating), “no’ono’o makua” (thoughtful of parents/elders); or “no’ono’o haiku” (narrow minded).

No’ono’o can bring about moments that ground us, that calm us, help to make sense in our world that at the moment may not make any sense at all. One of the best things about being in Hawaii and around all that nature is that we can become very no’ono’o about life, our surroundings, the world… just about anything.

What are you no’ono’o about these days? Where do you like to practice being no’ono’o? Comment below and tell us!

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