Hawaiian Phrase of the Week: Pōmaika'i au

As many of you know, my love for Hawaii started 15 years ago when we were married on Kauai. I just came back from Kauai where, to honor my love for Hawaii and the ohana I share it with, I asked a kahu to perform a traditional Hawaiian blessing. It was truly one of the most beautiful and magical moments. 

Pōmaika’i au (pronounced: poh-mah-ee-kah-ee ow) is how I felt during my entire trip. I am truly blessed with my family, friends and all of you who support She Lives Aloha. (To see photos from our trip, visit our Facebook or Instagram pages). 

“May there always be Tradewinds behind you, rainbows above you, and aloha all around you.” - Kauai blessing

What gives you that pōmaika’i au feeling? Share with us on our social media pages!

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