She Lives Aloha

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That Aloha Spirit

When I started Letter On! as a creative outlet in 2017, I had no idea that it would resonate with people. It went beyond the cards and home goods, it was the spirit of living aloha everyday that people connected with. Which got Vanessa Fiske and me thinking - how can we truly live aloha when we’re rushing from task to task, event to event and generally feeling overwhelmed? Instead of reacting to daily demands, how do we get back to doing the things that feed our soul? That’s the idea behind She Lives Aloha.

What triggers the feeling of aloha for you? Is it the warm embrace of humidity that greets you as soon as you step off the plane in Hawaii? Is it a day well spent on the beach with the salty sea breeze in your hair and sand between your toes? Or, is it surfing the North Shore? Is it gazing out at a breathtaking sunset? Or, cooling off with a shave ice from Ululani’s?

For me, it's the people.

I was born and raised in Honolulu. Even though I moved to California, I still call Hawaii my home. It’s not just that my folks still live there, but it’s because everyone is an extension of your ohana. Everyone is your “aunty” or “uncle.”

Because of this, I find that there’s tremendous respect for one another. Drivers let you into their lane and you wave mahalo in return. You don’t cut off people or honk your car horn.

I will never forget my first solo flight with my one-year-old daughter. We flew from Kahului to Honolulu. Even though it’s a short 20-minute flight, I was still nervous about how I’d fare, hauling all our gear – including suitcase, stroller and car seat plus toddler – by myself. The experience underscored the kindness of complete strangers. People stepped up to help me with my bags. One person even offered my lil one milk and another kind soul entertained her on the flight so I could catch a break. My heart was full with gratitude that night.

We could all do with more aloha in the world we live in today. To feel it. To speak it. To live it.